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The following high-quality concert
videos, in DivX format, can be viewed instantly with a single click
(once you add the web-based plugin). If you would like
to download the DivX file, right-click on the pink title of the video
and choose "Save Link As...". For even better fidelity, the links at
the bottom of
this page go to the highest quality DVD sources.
Rock en Seine is a rocket to the top with a bullet!!!
Many people think this is Arcade Fire's best concert recording, and
I agree. This piece of joy lasts about 55 minutes.
Watch Arcade Fire perform at the Austin City Limits festival,
recorded for broadcast on PBS. The music and the production
are terrific. This performance is about 50 minutes long.
Live in Paris, from l'Olympia Theater on March 20, 2007.
Somehow you never actually see Jeremy collapsing, sick, off the drum
kit in the middle of the show, and you barely notice that Win's voice is
to break so badly that the rest of this tour would soon be cancelled.
But you certainly will remember that Rebellion(Lies), as the closing number,
is as hot as you'll ever see!!!